Skin care can be complex. A range of routines will help us in enhancing the skin appearance.
We all need some skin care guides in order to ensure a supple, youthful, glowing skin is maintained.

  • Stay hydrated always. Ensure you drink enough water everyday. This helps your skin to glow, stay healthy and radiant.

  • Eat lots of nutritious fiber rich foods, fresh fruits, greens, foods with lots of proteins. Your body needs a good quantity of vitamins and minerals for a glowing and healthy skin.
Vitamin C is essential for the skin.
 It brightens the skin, reduces wrinkles, fades dark spots, smoothens out the skin, promotes collagen production, and even helps in firming the skin.
Vitamin E moisturizes the skin, lightens dark spots, rejuvenates and restores the skin, prevents wrinkles and help in reversing premature skin aging.

  • Use non- alcoholic cleansers and toners. The alcohol tend to dry up the skin and in some cases causes skin tingling and sensation. Use alcohol free cleansers and toners.

  • Regular exercise helps you release toxins and improves blood circulation through out your body and skin. Increase in blood flow makes your skin brighter and smooth.

  • Sleep helps rejuvenate the body and skin. Lack or less of it quickly ages your skin. A minimum of 7 hours sleep is important for a glowing skin.

  • Regardless of how tired you are, ensure you cleanse your skin every night before you sleep. Never sleep with your make-ups on, you are simply aiding clogging of your pores and dulling your skin. You need to get rid of those dirt and pollutants off your skin.

  • On a weekly basis, try steaming your face for atleast a minimum of 10 minutes. Steaming helps open the pores and extricates the dead skin layer covering the skin.Put hot water in a bowl,and with your head bent over the bowl, you can add some drops of essential oils if you want.

  • One of the most important ways of taking care of your skin is protection from the sun.
Apply a sunscreen with SPF value of 20-50 to protect the exposed areas of your skin from UVA and UVB rays.
Always wear sunglasses when under the sun.

  • Exfoliation is another good way of removing dead cells. It helps remove the dead layer that dull the skin. A good scrub, facial mask can help in the exfoliation process.

  • Don't clean your face with the same towel you use for your body. The face is very sensitive and delicate, the dirt accumulated from your body while cleaning can stick on your face.Ensure you change your towels every week.

  • Change your bed-sheets and pillowcases regularly. Your pillows often absorb moisture from your skin and oil from your hair and they cause friction against your face, resulting in skin break out.
Wear hair bonnet while sleeping in order not to stain the pillowcases with oils from your hair.

  • Limit your hot water bath. A cold or lukewarm water is ideal water for bathing. Too much hot water removes oils from your skin and with time tends to shrink your skin.

  • Always keep your hands away from your face. Avoid unnecessary touching of your face, which might transfer the bacteria on your hands to the face.

  • Moisturize daily. Moisturizers help fight dryness and they maintain skin structure. Choose moisturizers that contain Alpha hydroxy acids, AHA.
AHA in moisturizers help reduce wrinkles and they normalize over-thickened skin and increase viable epidermal thickness.

  • Avoid unnecessary intake of prescription medication. They add to the toxic overload in the body.

  • Ladies, ensure you change your make-ups even when you haven't finished them. Don't use same make-ups for years. Don't wear a mascara that's 6 months old.
Ensure your make-up brushes are weekly washed and sanitized.

  • Smoking contracts the veins in the peripheral layers of your skin and this diminishes blood flow and causes a drain of oxygen and certain supplements that are needed for your skin supple look.
Smoking affects the collagen and elastin, the very fibers that give your skin its elasticity and strength.

  • Stress can trigger skin problems, leading to unhealthy skin according to studies. Practice a stress-free life.
  • Invest in supplements especially if you are above 30 years. Your food can't supply the daily required nutrients your body needs, so you need supplements to augment them. Supplements help replenish lost or inadequate nutrients for your youthful and healthy skin.
A healthy body and a healthy mind slow down the process of ageing. 
Pamper and treat your skin well for it's gonna last you for a long time.


Unknown said…
Great tips, keep it up dear, learnt a lot
Nkae23 said…
Yes,I agree with all you said. They r great tips and especially d face over hot water,helped me a lot when I was having breakouts. I hope to maintain it as a way of life. Thanks said…
Oh beautiful. Yeah it sure does. Facial steaming once in a while is ideal. Keep up the glow...

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