It's another new week.
Aren't you excited to see another brand new week?
I am not just excited but very grateful to God for giving us another chance to do more and be more.

Let's talk about those hidden talents we haven't started exploring. Those skills we are ignoring. 
Those potentials we aren't maximizing.

These days once someone meets you, the first question that seems to pop up after greetings is "what do you do?" 
Some seem to flow with the answer, while some pause a little before answering.
In some cases, the pause isn't necessarily that the fellow doesn't have something doing but some tend to evaluate their love for what they do. Some are in fields they don't like but feel helpless in them.

I think I rather go with the question, "What excites you?, what turns you on?, what gets you charged up?"
Until you are able to provide the answers to these questions, you haven't actually started aligning to purpose and calling.

Keto's gift packs
I have a friend, Keto. she works with a firm and one day according to her she made a gift pack for kiddies and it was just a fun, while away time kinda pack. Her aunt saw it and was like "woow, this is beautiful". She then decided to do a proper one and sent to my whats App and I complimented her craft and told her how cute it was. I told her I never knew she got that talent.
Now she produces those kiddies gift items as a side hustle. 

Some of us are like Keto, we haven't discovered that special skill we are endowed with, and probably there are some skills people keep complementing us for. Start looking in that direction those compliments are coming.

Keto's gift packs
What's that thing that freely comes to you?What do people compliment you on?
What do you enjoy doing?
What's in you that you can see?
What idea keeps popping into your brain? What are you good at?
What do you seem to do better than others? What kind of people do you love to be around?

I love to read, to know more and to share what I know with people. So teaching comes easily to me.
I love promoting healthy living and to help people take care of their body and skin. So my skincare business was birthed.
I love to inspire and motivate people. I love helping people go through their difficulties, while offering help in any way I can.
I love a clean environment; sparkling and well groomed, so I started a cleaning service company.
And other skills I know I have and I sure want to discover more about me. I'm not done with myself.

So what about you? What are those things you love doing? Start writing them down now. Take this assignment serious if you have't earlier before now looked inwards you.

No one is born empty. Just like the Parable of the talents, we all are given one or two or even more. Reason you find some people who seem to excel in so many things and we say they are multi-talented.

You are not an accident nor a mistake. You were created because there's something God wants done and He sees you as the one who can do it, so He equips you for that task. Find out what it is you were created to do and do it well. There's a wealth of potential in you.
All men are sent to the world with limitless gifts, but few draw to their full extent.
I want to be amongst the few, wouldn't you? I know you want as well.

Resolve to maximize your potentials. Ensure you die empty. Don't leave this life with your talents untapped. Understand the potentials you have, the abilities, the talents and ensure you maximize them to the fullest.
Be an explorer, not just a passenger.
There's no handicap except that of our minds.
No limitations except the ones we place on ourselves.

Start it in that small way. Make it either a hobby or a side gig. Just keep fine tuning it. Nothing in life is instant.
We are like onion. Our potentials keep being exposed and expressed one layer at a time until we become all we are meant to be and be known by all. So don't be ashamed at how imperfect your works are, atleast you are utilizing your God-given gifts, with time you become a Pro at it.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped. It is said the only place you get to see many untapped potentials is the cemetery. You will never be fulfilled until you understand why God made you.

If you are still wondering why you are here and have been unable to pin a skill, a talent you can boast of possessing, then it's time to go back to your Maker, for He holds the manual of all His creations. Ask Him to show you what your purpose is and the potentials He deposited in you. Surely He will for He's not an Author of confusion. Your potential is buried in God.

I do hope this admonition has awakened something in you and you will do better as regards your calling. I would be very happy if you do. Remain blessed. Always have this at the back of your mind, God loves you and He wants the best for you.
Never ever forget that.

I care about you too.


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