Today I want to share some great nuggets of inspirational wisdom for a fulfilling and harmonious life.
I hope you find them not just useful but worth a lifestyle to blend in.

What you love reveals who you truly are.
Love is the expression of your true identity.

 Fairness is unnatural. Nothing is 100% fair.
Live life the way you want to live it.
 Because even people who care for you can’t be with you every step of the way.

People only want to hear the good, not the bad.
So if you have issues, it’ll be hard to find people to confide in.
Respect yourself, because people can see if you don’t.

 Everything that you perceive with your senses is transient and will one day vanish.
Enjoy things while they last but be attached to nothing.

 Learn to forgive, forgetting is your choice.
 Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you.
 It actually does you more good to forgive.
Forgive but do not forget or you will be hurt again.
Forgiving changes the perspectives, forgetting loses the lesson.

 Everyone has a mask and they play different ones to different people.
 Lovers, families, coworkers, friends,
you’ll be surprised how different people can be in different social contexts.

 Don't count the number of friends you have,
but the number of friends you can count on.

Don't engage in every battle.
If the battle is not between you and your destiny, it's simply a distraction.

 Once you hurt someone, they’re not likely to forget.
 They will always remember how much you’ve hurt them.
 One negligible action can have devastating consequences.

Life is to be experienced.
Put yourself out there.
Do things you've never done.
Live a life where at the end, you will have no regrets.

 Timidity is not humility;
Confidence is not arrogance.
Learn to be distinct.

Jealousy is an energy that's better spent on building up yourself.

 Appearances DO matter.
We live in a condemnatory, judgemental world.
Your family, friends, coworkers, bosses
will judge you for your actions to some extent which brings me to make this conclusion.

 It is impossible to please everyone.
 There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees with you,
and frankly you’re not living life if you don’t have enemies.
 Better be someone with your own thoughts and opinions than a people pleaser.

 Don't be distracted from your destiny trying to manage people's opinions.
What they think about you is none of your business.

 The fact that you yearn for more doesn't mean you're ungrateful for what you have,
or that you're greedy.
It means you have a higher calling.
The yearning inside calls you.

 Judge nothing and be happy,
 forgive everything and be happier,
 expect nothing and be happiest.

If you need to pretend or hide your true self,
you are with the wrong people.
Surround yourself with beings of the same frequency as you.

You may be familiar with people
but don't forget your manners.
You may be close to people
but do not depend on them for financial support.

Life has no bargain counters.
Everything has a price that must be paid in one form or another.
No man is smart enough to cheat life.
It has been tried by the smartest of men without success.

Stop thinking something is wrong when you have problems.
Stop thinking something is wrong because there's conflict.
There's supposed to be conflict,
problems are part of destiny's process.

There's nothing noble about being superior to some other person.
True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.

Find someone you can have a conversation with for the next 60 years
without getting bored. Find a friend.

Be careful the environment you choose,
for it will shape you.
Be careful the friends you choose
for you will become like them.


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