It's another beautiful new week.
Aren't you excited seeing another brand new day? Of course we all ought to.
Yesterday we read of the Boeing 737 MAX crash that killed the whole 157 passengers without any survivor. It was indeed a very terrible loss and I extend my condolences to their families.
Imagine yourself in that crashed plane. Can you visualise it? Isn't it enough to be grateful to God?
Daily appreciate the life you got, it's a privilege you should hold highly.
Alive and healthy is the greatest of all miracles. Be grateful..
Such news of deaths like this make us evaluate our lives, reminding us that we are mere passing shadows.
That death is inevitable, and how it will come and when it will come nobody knows.

Value every moments of your life.
Everyday of your life is an opportunity.
Every life contains a prime time, yet the most wonderful time is in each moment. Today is another day to be amazing.
Be the best you can ever be.
Do more, Be more, Be you.
Everyday of your life is a new beginning.
Seek out things that will benefit your life.
Face each day with a positive attitude.
Every morning brings a promise of new beginnings.
Let go of yesterday. Choose joy today.
Don't hold back.
You are here to explore who you are,
and to express what you find.
No fear, Be you.