Hey, Today I want to share some great nuggets of inspirational wisdom for a fulfilling and harmonious life. I hope you find them not just useful but worth a lifestyle to blend in. What you love reveals who you truly are. Love is the expression of your true identity. Fairness is unnatural. Nothing is 100% fair. Live life the way you want to live it. Because even people who care for you can’t be with you every step of the way. People only want to hear the good, not the bad. So if you have issues, it’ll be hard to find people to confide in. Respect yourself, because people can see if you don’t. Everything that you perceive with your senses is transient and will one day vanish. Enjoy things while they last but be attached to nothing. Learn to forgive, forgetting is your choice. Forgiveness is setting a prisoner free and then discovering the prisoner was you. It actually does you more good to forgive. Forgive but do not forget or you w...