FREE RADICAL!! What the heck is that word?

I want to talk about Free radical and how it affects our skin and the aging process
What's a Free Radical?
A free radical is a molecule that has lost a vital piece of itself, one of its electrically charged electrons that normally orbit in pairs.
To restore balance, the free radical tries to steal an electron from a nearby molecule or give away its unpaired electron.

Free radicals are formed by many reactions in the body, and they damage your cells by a process called oxidation. They damage your skin's DNA, the inherited blueprint that contains the codes for all  the characteristics that make your skin uniquely yours. 
Free radical damage can impair the immune system and result in various types of cellular damage.
All these damages from free radicals activates processes within your skin that age it, break it down, and cause the development of tumors.
Free radicals are rendered harmless by antioxidants.

An Antioxidant as defined by Judy McFarland in her book, "Aging Without Growing Old" is a substance that can donate a sought after electron to a free radical without becoming dangerous itself. Antioxidant literally means against oxidation. They are substances that impede or slow down free radical damage by preventing the oxidative action of molecules.
Antioxidants prevent unstable oxygen molecules from interacting with other molecules and in turn causing them to become unstable, a process that starts the free radical chain reaction. They combat the harmful effects of oxidation in the body.

The major antioxidants include:
-Vitamin A,
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin E
-Beta Carotene 
Others include:
-Coenzyme Q10
-Alpha-lipoic acid
-Superoxide dismutase
-Dehydroepianalrosterone (DHEA)
-Pycnogenol etc
 Now we know what free radicals are and what we can use to counter their reactions right?
Scientists tell us that by age 35, a person is losing 100,000 brain cells a day, but fear not because the initial supply is so great that this loss is scarcely noticed.
The skin replaces itself once a month, the stomach lining every five days, the liver every six weeks, and the skeleton every three months.

How much investment do you make on your body? How well do you take care of both your outer and inner being?
In his book;"Ageless body, Timeless mind", Deepak Chopra stated that beginning at age 30 and moving at the snail's pace of 1 percent per year, the average human body starts to come unhinged; wrinkles appear, the skin loses its tone and freshness, muscles start to sag, stamina and endurance steadily decline, thereby making it harder to perform as much work as before.
Blood pressure rises, and many biochemical shift away from their optimal levels, cholesterol rises, marking the insidious progress of heart disease, cellular mutations begin to run out of control, creating malignant tumors that strike mostly after age 65.

Do you know you can choose not to grow old? oh yes! Growing old happens in the mind. It is uniquely variable in humans. The most powerful influence we have over how we age comes from our awareness.
Change is an inevitable fact of life, and aging is perhaps the scariest of all changes. It reminds us that we are mortals and this by extension makes our inability to reverse aging frightening.
Aging is influenced by some factors which includes genetics, lifestyle, choices, environment, and our ageing clock. Everyone ages at the same chronological rate, but people do not age at the same biological rate. Everybody ages, but only some become senile. Each of us has a unique and individually determined biochemical heredity pattern. The changes you see in your skin as you age are the visible signs of declining function.
Hope you know too that certain emotions age us as well? Aging is facilitated too by certain negative emotions we tend to portray. Such emotions include:

  • Envy.
  • Fear.
  • Guilt.
  • Anger.
  • Self criticism.
  • Pessimism.
  • Perfectionism.

Of all negative emotions we express, envy unsettles the most. Envy is the emotion most destructive for your beauty strategy because it not only wastes your energy, it also misdirects you.
Your skin is the most obvious hallmark of your individuality and a major indicator of your state of health. It is the meeting point between you and the outside world.
The cause of wrinkles lies in the skin's structures.
The tissues, cells, muscles are surrounded by water and loose connective tissue. This connective tissue is composed primarily of collagen, a protein that has the extremely useful property of being able to bind with water.

The collagen and elastin keep the skin firm and resilient.
Collagen provides the skin with a soft, moist, webbed cushion, giving it plumpness as well as the ability to stretch and fold as your body moves.
As people age, their collagen undergoes change, becoming stiffer and less moist. As it loses resilience, collagen no longer snaps back when it is stretched or folded. It starts holding creases, and once a crease is permanent, a wrinkle is formed.
Some physical influences such as smoking, excessive  exposure to sunlight, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, dehydration, under active thyroid, and genetic predisposition can hasten the ageing of collagen.

Age weakens the collagen fibers in your epidermis by interfering with the finely tuned cycle of collagen formation and breakdown. The elastic fibers decrease in number and become thinner.
As these changes cause your skin to lose strength and flexibility, it becomes more vulnerable to the forces of gravity and begins to sag and form wrinkles.

Today we have looked at free radicals and how they affect the skin structure, antioxidants used in combating the oxidative proces of free radicals as well as the collagen and elastin breakdown which ultimately result in wrinkle formation.
Subsequently I shall be discussing the measures and procedures that will help control and bring to minimal the aging process.

We are #TeamAgeless for sure.


Uche said…
Team ageless......let's go
Veraglam.com said…
Yesooo let's shake it off.

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