Greetings from this side of the world. It's a brand new week and I'm sure we are all geared up for the week and the hassles that go with it.
I woke this morning thinking about too many things and people. I was touched in my spirit to speak into the lives of all going through a rough time in their lives.
I don't know what you might be going through but know this my dear, This too shall pass!! There's a light at the end of the tunnel for you.
Be determined to win, be resolute and resilient and you will see your desires actualised.
This life of triumph is not for those who are satisfied with any lower conditions. It is for those who thirst of it and are willing to achieve it, those who are eager for righteousness as the miser is for gold.
The road to success lies through many a thorny cause, over many an obstacle, from which the fainting heart is often tempted to turn back. But hope and a sense of power within inspire the struggling person still to continue the conflict, till at last courage and perseverance meet with that just reward and success comes......Henry Irving.
Keep hope alive and never stop dreaming, never stop imagining, never stop speaking it into existence and don't ever stop pursuing those dreams to bring them into fulfilment.
Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be, your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.
.........James Allen ( As a man thinketh)
Have a very fabulous new week and keep winning...