Did you read the title? You agree with it? Yeah what makes you different, makes you beautiful.😊
What then makes you different if I may ask? Have you thought in that line? Your difference is because of the uniqueness of your individual identity. It doesn't require walls for its guarantee, the guarantee was given from the beginning by the image in your heart that accompanies you through your life.
Your strength is in your uniqueness. At the core of every being is a uniqueness, individuality, and distinctiveness that demands to be expressed. You need to start asking yourself what is important to you, the real life changing questions. You need to come into tune with the real you.
-Who are you?
-Why are you doing what it is that you do?
-Is what you are doing with your life something that reflects and utilizes who you really are?
-Given a chance would you choose differently?
-Do you even know what you would choose if you had an option?
-What do you love to do?
-What kind of environment do you love to be in?
-What kind of people do you love to be around?
-What excites you, turns you on, gets you charged up?
-What do people compliment you on?
-What do you seem to do better than most others?
-What are your unique skills and talents?

I, for one I love to know more and to impart what I know into others. I love to share ideas with brilliant people. I'm interested in the total well-being of others, their health, skin and body care. I'm a born humanitarian and helping others get along with their lives gives me so much joy and fulfillment.
Find your spark and ignite the fire,never quench it!!!

Let me borrow the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes, " If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose"
Passion is the inner fire that propels you forwards through the combination of love for what you are doing and the inner sense of purpose that comes from connecting to one's deepest passion.

According to Philip McGraw in his book, ''Self matters" he wrote, If you have no purpose, you have no passion. If you have no passion, you have sold your self out.
You are uniquely equipped for a mission in this world, and to fail to recognize and commit to finding that mission and then achieving it is to wither in mind, body and spirit.

How long has it been since you were really excited about some meaningful aspect of your life? Do you feel excited about your life, about each day that comes along? Or do you find more meaning in your past than present life?

See the only reason you would want to continue focusing on some fantasized past is if the present you have created is not as good. If the best part of your life is in the past, something is way out of line. We are supposed to be more competent as we grow older and not less. We are supposed to find that spark that lies inside of us everyday of our lives.  Life is expected to get better, because we ought to be better at it.

If you are constantly tired, stressed out, emotionally flat, depressed, worried, and unhappy, you aren't living your authentic life. If you find yourself living that life you profess you hate, like you complain about being over weight, yet doing nothing to burn those calories, you fail to exercise, you fail to change that job you hate, to get a hobby or deal with the pain of abuse or neglect, then you can't possibly be living the real life.

If  you lose your sense of who you are, you have nothing to which you can return. If you don't discover your passions, purpose, and power, then you will pursue the roles assigned by other people's scripts. When you do what you love, you set the conditions for positive synchronicity to happen in your reality.

When you follow your bliss, doors  will open where you would not have thought there would be doors, and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else--Joseph Campbell.

You can choose the life you want to live. You can choose to make your life into a grand, ever evolving work of art. The key lies in your hands. Unlock the authentic YOU and live a life of wonders.
It actually takes so much energy to be what you are not. It takes so little to be what you truly are. You can't be you if you don't know you.  Everyone of us has within us everything we will ever need to be, to do, and have anything and everything we will ever want and need. You possess all that you need to fulfill your dreams.

This blog has given me the platform to achieve one of my desires and passion, which is sharing what I know with everyone.



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