Today I want to write on Depression.
It has become a thing of great concern to me on the prevalent rate of suicides I read everyday on the news.

This week alone I've read 3 cases of suicides, both succeeded and failed attempts.
A young boy, Segun was reported to have drank a bottle of Sniper, a deadly insecticide, all because he failed his Jamb examination.

I also read of 20 year old Chukwuemeka Akachi, a final year student of English department, University of Nigeria Nsukka, who committed suicide after drinking 2 bottles of Sniper. He left behind a suicidal note.

I'm so touched to the marrow whenever I read such news, yes I've been there before, so I can tell you firsthand how draining it can be.
I've even tried going suicidal for more than twice.
Yes this is me telling you my frank story.
Depression can happen to anyone anytime.

I encourage people a lot and try being there for them but the sad thing is people like me are often seen strong yet people don't know the battles we fight underneath those expressed strength and those smiles we flash before your faces.

Psychology says depression is often the result of over thinking, our minds create problems that initially didn't exist.
Well depression is not just a passing feeling. It is a feeling of severe despondency and dejection.
It is a mental illness. Someone can be good looking, but deep down depression is eating them up. I've been in such situation before.

Depression is not a sign of weakness nor something you can just snap out of. It's not something to make mockery of.
 A depressed person needs help and support, not mockery.
It's an illness that requires  professional treatment.

I often hear people especially preachers attribute Depression to a demonic attack. I will stand firm to say it's not true.
There was a case of a Redeemed Church of God, RCCG, pastor in Abuja, Nigeria who committed suicide last week by hanging himself with a belt because he couldn't pay his house rent.
Can you see it's more than demonic attack? After all this man is a pastor for crying out loud. Depression is not demonic.

Depression has a plethora of symptoms which include:
  • Cognitive impairment.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Digestive issues.
  • Little or no interest in doing things that were once enjoyable
  • Withdrawals from family & friends, (dissociation).
  • Relying on alcohols & sedatives to feel better (Addiction).
  • Loneliness.
  • Disordered eating.
  • Anger.
  • Inability to concentrate or complete tasks on time.
  • Insomnia.
  • Chronic pain.
  • Preoccupation.
Impairment of cognition is the inability to think, remember,or solve problems. It is the common cause of cognitive complaints in medicine.

Depression causes cognitive problems by making you slower. Everything looks grey and hopeless. Nothings seems to motivate you. Even when you eventually carry out the task, you find out you are slow in doing it, no fun, no motivation.

Depression impairs cognitive function. Your attention span seems depreciated.
Memory is a multi-step process and the first step in the memory process is attention.
When you are depressed, its hard to pay attention to thoughts.
The problem isn't with the function of the memory circuits, but on paying attention.

Memory loss is a major symptom of depression, and in many mental illnesses and disorders. This is because your cognitive processes are impaired, that is, your processing speed is slow or faulty, and the brain is unable to store things correctly. Concentration span becomes affected.

Dissociation is often co-morbid with depression. This is where multiple memory types are impaired.
There are a group of dissociation disorders that include severe memory loss or amnesia.

Some people when recovered from depression no longer have ongoing memory problems, while some do.
Some have memory loss because of trauma and due to incorrect memory processing are vulnerable to triggers.

Please if you are living in Nigeria, there are helplines to dial for assistance. 
For Suicide......0800567567
Mental health line...0112344837.

A depressed person needs Medical support, Therapeutic support and Emotional support.

I will encourage you to learn the art of Gratitude. No matter whatever you are passing through, know this, "You are not alone". God is right there with you. Talk to Him like you can talk to a friend and also have someone you open up to. Someone you share your worries with. We can't go through this life alone, we need people.

Also you that's reading this article, learn to be there for others. Check on your friends and family. Don't be engrossed in your career and business that you seem not to notice that person next to you.
Genuinely care for people.
Many are fighting internal battles you cannot see, please be kind.

Finally, my dear, suicide is never an option. Please yield not to that option. Think about those you will be leaving behind, how horrible your death will make them feel.
Above all think about the premature abortion of purpose. Do you know what God wants to achieve through you? Why abort such mission?

There's no one without a story and dark sides.
Always tell yourself, this too shall pass and surely it will fade away sooner or later.

I'm equally a phone call away from you..2348034241144. or you send me a mail so we start from
Always remember this, you are not alone.

Shalom...sending light and love your way....stay blessed.


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