Black seed oil with the botanical name, Nigella sativa , is also known as Black caraway , Black cumin , and Black onion seed. The plant was first identified in the middle East. The seed has a long history of use for medicinal purposes in the middle East and Asia, particularly Egypt and India. Black seeds contain phytochemicals, which contribute to most of its medicinal benefits. Phytochemicals are naturally occurring chemicals in plants which are biologically active. The most active phytochemicals in black seeds are Thymoquinone, Thymohydroquinone, and Thymol. Thymoquinone , an active ingredient in black seed is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti cancer properties that have been reported to help with encephalomyelitis, diabetes, asthma, and carcinogens. Thymoquinone acts as a free radical or an effective super oxide radical scavenger. Thymohydroquinone , is the most potent natural acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors on the planet. ...